Monday, July 20, 2009

Starting Carieer Jobless

Right from the time we start our professional training,all of us aspire to start our carieers in no time & slowly move ahead aggrandising our knowledge & salary in the process of acquiring better jobs & carieer incentives.I was no different.Right from the time i started my Professional course in engineering, i would always look forward to the day when i would start earning on my own,have full independance in life & be self sufficient.

I toiled hard & long to complete my 4 year bachelor degree in engineering,just missing the honours mark by 1%.However i did rank first in my batch,which was very encouraging.Instead of plunging into a job rightaway i gave prefrance to pursuing Masters in engineering;not just because my father had done his masters too three decades ago but i wanted to have super specialised knowledge in my feild.In two years i had completed my masters with an overall CGPA OF 7.5 & again first rank in the batch.

I was confident that wherever i went now, finding the right job or the right employer wouldnt be a problem.At 26 i was BE in Civil engineering & MTech in Water Resources Engineering;which in itself was something great for me.I got married & came over to UAE after completing my Mtech.Finding the right job for myself wasn’t easy.The absence of experience from my CV was very hard to compensate by my academic prowess;however i did find the right job in a company in BOQ section as QS.I was on probation for about two weeks during which i was given some buildings to analyse & estimate.I was sucessful in estimating the exact quantities required & my superiors where quite pleased with me & intended to employ me from next week.What more could i want in life;everything was going smoothly

But as luck would have it,the next week saw the slump hitting the construction belly of UAE with utmost intensity.With the result that lesser work started trickling in.Many companies either closed up,or fired most of its staff,or reduced the wages or didnt pay any wages at all.In this situation i was told that i unless the situation didnt improve;the company couldnt hire me.
This was quite a hard shock to take for me personally.I felt like being the most jinxed person around.But in a week or so i decided that this was a godsent oppurtunity.I could practise the software & buildinmgs in the office 1 or 2 days a week & the rest of the time i could easily spend at home or enjoy by going to the library,museum,corniche ,cycling etc.

We seldom get the time to realise what all we can do in addition to our professional prowess.Writing was something i had long left in pursuit of my academics.Now having started writing again gives me a sense of freedom & comfort which i havent felt before.Going to the library makes me feel there is so much to learn & so much to see.Going cycling makes me feel one with nature.In short,i can enjoy life in a way i possibly couldnt while in the 8am-7pm job schedule.

Morever this crunch wont last forever.My job is going to happen after the crunch;so instead of sulking about not having a job i can well enjoy the period so that when i do have a job i will have spent the past in loads of joy …& will be ready to face the future with full vigor & zeal…What say folks

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